PDF Bruce Lee: A Life
Beschreibung Bruce Lee: A Life
“The first noteworthy treatment of its subject—and a definitive one at that...Fascinating narrative threads proliferate.” —The New York Times Book Review The most authoritative biography—featuring dozens of rarely seen photographs—of film legend Bruce Lee, who made martial arts a global phenomenon, bridged the divide between Eastern and Western cultures, and smashed long-held stereotypes of Asians and Asian-Americans.Forty-five years after Bruce Lee’s sudden death at age thirty-two, journalist and bestselling author Matthew Polly has written the definitive account of Lee’s life. It’s also one of the only accounts; incredibly, there has never been an authoritative biography of Lee. Following a decade of research that included conducting more than one hundred interviews with Lee’s family, friends, business associates, and even the actress in whose bed Lee died, Polly has constructed a complex, humane portrait of the icon. Polly explores Lee’s early years as a child star in Hong Kong cinema; his actor father’s struggles with opium addiction and how that turned Bruce into a troublemaking teenager who was kicked out of high school and eventually sent to America to shape up; his beginnings as a martial arts teacher, eventually becoming personal instructor to movie stars like James Coburn and Steve McQueen; his struggles as an Asian-American actor in Hollywood and frustration seeing role after role he auditioned for go to a white actors in eye makeup; his eventual triumph as a leading man; his challenges juggling a sky-rocketing career with his duties as a father and husband; and his shocking end that to this day is still shrouded in mystery. Polly breaks down the myths surrounding Bruce Lee and argues that, contrary to popular belief, he was an ambitious actor who was obsessed with the martial arts—not a kung-fu guru who just so happened to make a couple of movies. This is an honest, revealing look at an impressive yet imperfect man whose personal story was even more entertaining and inspiring than any fictional role he played onscreen.
Bruce Lee: A Life Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Bruce Lee: A Life by Matthew Polly - Goodreads ~ This book ‘Bruce Lee, A Life’ is a poor attempt by author Matthew Polly to write a “definitive” and accurate biography of Lee. It fails miserably on all counts. Lee passed away more than four decades ago, as an icon in martial art and movie. Polly proclaimed there were not enough books devoted to Lee, and he wrote his to correct such injustice. In reality though, 200 or so books had already been published about Lee, half in English, half in Chinese, and about one-third as .
Bruce Lee: A Life von Matthew Polly - englisches Buch ~ Trainieren Sie Ihr Englisch - Englische Bücher von bücher helfen Ihnen dabei. Jetzt portofrei bestellen: Bruce Lee: A Life
: Bruce Lee: A Life (9781501187629): Polly ~ I’ve been an avid Bruce Lee fan and martial arts enthusiast for quite sometime, read all his books including Tao of Jeet Kune Do and watched great documentaries about his life A Warrior’s Journey and Bruce Lee: The Man & The Legend. This book from Matthew Polly does not explore much on Bruce’s martial art accomplishments but provides old sensational accounts of Bruce Lee affairs, abuse .
Bruce Lee Artist of Life von Bruce Lee; John Little ~ Named one of TIME magazines 100 Greatest Men of the Century, Bruce Lees impact and influence has only grown since his untimely death in 1973. Um Ihnen ein besseres Nutzererlebnis zu bieten, verwenden wir Cookies. Durch die Nutzung von bücher stimmen Sie der Verwendung von Cookies und unserer Datenschutzrichtlinie zu. Alles immer versandkostenfrei!* Kostenloser Rückversand; Zahlung auch .
Bruce Lee: The Art of Expressing the Human Body Bruce Lee ~ Bruce Lee: The Art of Expressing the Human Body (Bruce Lee Library, Band 4) / Lee, Bruce, Little, John / ISBN: 8601300501475 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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BRUCE LEE QUOTES ON PHILOSOPHY - Icspert ~ 201 75 Ibid. p. 208. 76 Excerpt from ˜e Pierre Berton Show, “Bruce Lee: ˜e ‘Lost’ Interview.” 1971. Self-Knowledge and Personal Expression Lee said all types of knowledge ultimately mean self-knowledge. He realized in all learning, whether it is in the
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Bruce Lee – Wikipedia ~ Bruce Lee (chinesisch 李小龍 / 李小龙, Pinyin Lǐ Xiǎolóng, Jyutping Lei 5 Siu 2 Lung 4, kantonesisch Lee Siu-Lung, * 27. November 1940 in San Francisco; † 20. Juli 1973 in Hongkong; geboren als Lee Jun-fan 李振藩, Lǐ Zhènfán, Jyutping Lei 5 Zan 3 faan 4) war ein sinoamerikanischer Kampfkünstler, Kampfkunst-Ausbilder und Schauspieler. Er gilt als Ikone des Martial-Arts-Films .
Tower of Death: : Bruce Lee, Tang Lung, Huang ~ Mann konnte Wang Yang Lee als Bruce Lees Gegenspieler verpflichten und dieser wiederrum nahm Kontakt mit Kim Tai Chung auf, der Bruce Lee bereits in Mein letzter Kampf für die Kampfszenen doubelte. Yuen Biao übernahm auch diese Mal die riskanten Stunts für Kim Tai Chung. Neben NG See-Yuen, beteiligte sich auch Sammo Hung an der Regie (was er auch bei Mein letzter Kampf gemacht hatte).Da nur .
Bruce Lee Vs. Wong Jack Man: What Really Happened In Their ~ However, sometime in 1964, Bruce Lee and Wong Jack Man found themselves at opposing ends of the San Francisco martial arts world. Some rumors say the disagreement between the two sprung from the fact that Lee’s Oakland studio attracted a rather large number of non-Chinese students and Wong was opposed to teaching martial arts of white people.
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Wong Jack Man - Wikipedia ~ In "Bruce Lee: A Life" by Matthew Polly, who shares a few insights from his extensive research and interview process, he says that according to David Chin, who arranged the match on Wong’s behalf, Bruce overwhelmed Wong with his opening series of attacks, causing Wong to turn his back and run. Bruce chased him around the room until Wong tripped and fell. Bruce jumped on top of Wong and .
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