Ebook Terror and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue
Beschreibung Terror and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue
With Islamist violence rising as groups such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS make their mark across the globe, discussions about terror, violence, and religion have never been more important. Terror and Religion brings together leading academics - Rabbi, Dan Cohn-Sherbok, Christian author and lecturer, George D. Chryssides, and Islamic scholar Dawoud El-Alami - in a dialogue that engages with the most pressing questions of our time.Focusing particularly on the ISIS terrorist attacks, the authors engage with thorny issues such as: Does Islam preach violence? How can we reconcile all three faiths' histories of violence with their aims of peace, love and justice? What causes violence? Should freedom of speech be limited? Can reconciliation between different faith groups ever be achieved?The dialogue presents an honest and forthright introduction to truths and misconceptions about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. In considering the problematic relationship between faith, terror and violence, the discussants find both common ground and challenging disagreements.Ideal for students and academics, the book is also accessible to anyone with a keen interest in the topics covered.
Terror and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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Terror and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue - Kindle ~ Terror and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue - Kindle edition by Dan Cohn-Sherbok. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use .
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Terror and Religion: An interfaith dialogue: ~ With Islamist violence rising as groups such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS make their mark across the globe, discussions about terror, violence, and religion have never been more important.
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Terror and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue - Impress Books ~ ISBN: 9781907605963 eISBN: 9781907605970 Format: Paperback/eBook Price: £14.99/£6.99 Available: October 2016
Terror and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue: Cohn-Sherbok ~ Terror and Religion: An Interfaith Dialogue: Cohn-Sherbok, Dan, Chryssides, George D.: .sg: Books
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