Ebook Three Golden Pearls on a String: The Esoteric Teachings of Karate-Do and the Mystical Journey of a Warrior Priest: The Esoteric Teachings of Karate-Do & the Mystical Journey
Beschreibung Three Golden Pearls on a String: The Esoteric Teachings of Karate-Do and the Mystical Journey of a Warrior Priest: The Esoteric Teachings of Karate-Do & the Mystical Journey
"Budo is the way to cut oneself from one’s first step to the point one can reach. To cut oneself means to face our own mind directly, honestly, strictly; to polish the mind by cutting away cowardliness, selfishness, ugliness, and weakness. To have the mind’s eye, me must have a strong mind. At the same time, it is absolutely necessary to be very humble."-From the Foreword
Three Golden Pearls on a String: The Esoteric Teachings of Karate-Do and the Mystical Journey of a Warrior Priest: The Esoteric Teachings of Karate-Do & the Mystical Journey Ebooks, PDF, ePub
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Three Golden Pearls on a String: The Esoteric Teachings of ~ Buy Three Golden Pearls on a String: The Esoteric Teachings of Karate-Do & the Mystical Journey of a Warrior Priest 2nd Edition by Thomas M. White (ISBN: 9781556431074) from 's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders.
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Golden String - AbeBooks ~ Three Golden Pearls on a String: The Esoteric Teachings of Karate-Do and the Mystical Journey of a Warrior Priest White, Thomas Published by North Atlantic Books (1993)
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