Buch online Essential Tai Ji
Beschreibung Essential Tai Ji
First published over twenty years ago, this classic book distills the basics of the art of Tai Ji, lovingly presented in eloquent writing, and accompanied by splendid full colour photography and beautiful calligraphy.Master dancer, brush calligrapher, bamboo flute player and philosopher Chungliang Al Huang shares the basic movements of Tai Ji - and its relationships with nature, space and time - alongside stunning, inspirational photography by Si Chi Ko. The book promotes strength, relaxation and clarity, as Master Huang teaches how to unify mind and body, achieving a healthier and more fulfilling state of being. In doing so, he touches on everything from the origins and meanings if Tai Ji to the vocabulary, basic moves, practice, and the Tai Ji dance. This beautiful and inspiring book has an essential place in any Tai Ji library, and will be of interest to students, scholars, academics, professionals, and the general reader.
Essential Tai Ji ebooks
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Essential Tai Ji by Chungliang Al Huang (2011-02-15 ~ Essential Tai Ji by Chungliang Al Huang (2011-02-15) / Chungliang Al Huang / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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