PDF Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity and Modern Thought (Perennial Philosophy) (English Edition)
Beschreibung Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity and Modern Thought (Perennial Philosophy) (English Edition)
In this groundbreaking work, award-winning Brazilian journalist Azevedo presents a frank and objective account of how the label of “fundamentalism” can be applied to religious and secular ‘faiths’ alike. In the 21st century, passionate and emotional attachment to a single point of view, and the rejection of all others, has become one of the main social, political, and religious issues, leading to conflicts around the globe.
Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity and Modern Thought (Perennial Philosophy) (English Edition) PDF ePub
Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity ~ Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity and Modern Thought (Perennial Philosophy) (English Edition) eBook: de Azevado, Mateus Soares, Queiroz, Alberto, Stoddart, William: : Kindle-Shop
Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam ~ "Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christianity, and Modern Thought" (2010) is a timely book which should be read by the religious community at large. Another title in a the Perennial Philosophy Series, the book promotes truth and spiritual practices which lie close to the heart of all religious traditions.
Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity ~ Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity and Modern Thought (Perennial Philosophy) - Kindle edition by de Azevado, Mateus Soares, Queiroz, Alberto, Stoddart, William. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity and .
Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity ~ Compre Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity and Modern Thought (Perennial Philosophy) (English Edition) de de Azevado, Mateus Soares, Queiroz, Alberto, Stoddart, William na .br. Confira também os eBooks mais vendidos, lançamentos e livros digitais exclusivos.
Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity ~ Men of a Single Book: Fundamentalism in Islam, Christanity and Modern Thought (Perennial Philosophy) (English Edition) eBook: de Azevado, Mateus Soares, Queiroz, Alberto, Stoddart, William: : Tienda Kindle
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