Buch lesen Power Hapkido Essential Techniques
Beschreibung Power Hapkido Essential Techniques
This is the Black and White version with Korean terminology for the kicks and the basic techniques. HapKiDo - the way of coordinated power. Essentially, you are using your opponent's size and power to your advantage. In this book, Grandmaster Kim shows you many different kicks and techniques that can be utilized during stressful and dangerous encounters on the street. Grandmaster Myung Yong Kim is one of the few original Hapkido Masters still alive and teaching today and he proudly teaches Hapkido to students who are eager to obsorb all they can of Hapkido. This book starts with the foundations of Hapkido, which is the abdominal breathing exercise (DanJun Ho Hup). The Danjun is your lower abdomen, about a couple of inches below your navel. Here, you learn how to breathe and cultivate your inner strength. Most of us spend hours at a time working on our outer muscles, yet hardly any time is devoted to developing one’s inner strength. Grandmaster Kim shows you the proper forms in doing the 4 different breathing exercises. Next, you will be shown all of the single kicks, followed by combination kicks, and then several special kicks. In doing the kicks daily, you will see drastic improvement in your cardio, leg strength, and in your overall flexibility. Finally, Grandmaster Kim covers the Hapkido techniques. He begins with the basic wrist escapes, wrist grabs, sleeve grabs, strikes, kicking blocks and much more! This is the book to have if you wish to learn the art of Hapkido. This book can also be used as a reference for those who already have a background in Hapkido. All the techniques shown are techniques that any 1st degree Hapkido blackbelt practitioner should know. Become our friend in facebook and also visit us on our website at jjkhapkido.com. Jin Jung!
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