PDF Ethno-Religious Conflict in Europe: Typologies of Radicalisation in Europe's Muslim Communities (Centre for European Policy Studies)
Beschreibung Ethno-Religious Conflict in Europe: Typologies of Radicalisation in Europe's Muslim Communities (Centre for European Policy Studies)
The presence of minority groups of Muslim culture is one of the greatest sources of societal tensions, and in some cases of violent conflict, in contemporary Europe. This book presents six country studies of Muslim-related conflict, from Belgium, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Russia, and the United Kingdom.The societal tensions typically flow from two quite different sources: the broad and relatively soft issues of social and economic integration and the narrowly concentrated but very hard issues of terrorist violence inspired by radical ideas. Both have hit most of the countries under study to some degree. The justification for taking these two phenomena together is that, while categorically different, they are dynamically interconnected, feeding on each other toward escalation.Overarching the six case studies, with their varied histories and contexts, Olivier Roy presents major hypotheses of interpretation of al Qaeda-type terrorism as a deterritorialized or globalized phenomenon.
Ethno-Religious Conflict in Europe: Typologies of Radicalisation in Europe's Muslim Communities (Centre for European Policy Studies) ebooks
Violent Radicalization in Europe: What We Know and What We ~ Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 29(8): . [Google Scholar], in a study of North African militants in Europe, also indicates that a perceived sense of unjust vilification could draw some European Muslims toward militancy. The empirical foundation for these conclusions, however, is unclear. Pargeter appears to have carried out a number of interviews; however, the size and extent to which the .
The Specificity of Female Terrorism / SpringerLink ~ In M. Emerson (Ed.), Ethno-religious conflict in Europe: Typologies of radicalization in Europe’s Muslim communities (pp. 81–109). Brussels: Centre for European Policy Studies. Google Scholar. Veldhuis, T., & Staun, J. (2009, October). Islamist radicalisation: A root cause model. The Hague: Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael. Google Scholar. Vergani, M. (2018 .
BBC - History - World Wars: European Refugee Movements ~ His books include Britain and the Jews of Europe, 1939-1945 (Clarendon Press, 1988), Vanishing Diaspora: The Jews in Europe since 1945 (Harvard University Press, 1997) and Israel and Palestine .
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Muslim Population Growth in Europe / Pew Research Center ~ In Europe overall, even if all Muslim migration into Europe were to immediately and permanently stop – a zero migration scenario – the overall Muslim population of Europe would be expected to rise by 2.5 percentage points, from the current level of 4.9% to 7.4% by 2050. This is because Muslims in Europe are considerably younger and have a higher fertility rate than other Europeans. Without .
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