Ebook Fighter's Fact Book 1: Principles and Drills to Make You a Better Fighter
Beschreibung Fighter's Fact Book 1: Principles and Drills to Make You a Better Fighter
With over 45 years of experience in the ring, on the mat, and in the street, Loren W. Christensen understands the daily challenges martial artists face. In this book he has put together a collection of over 400 tips, drills, principles, concepts, and exercises to give you the edge, no matter what style of martial art you practice. Discover quick and innovative ways to improve your punching, kicking, sparring, and self-defense skills―plus dozens of tips to develop speed, power, and flexibility. If you are feeling stuck or bored in your martial arts routine, Loren’s no-nonsense style will get you up and training with a fire you have not felt in years. Highlights include: 10 ways to improve your speed 5 ways to increase your power 10 ways to train for self-defense 10 ways to improve health and fitness Dozens of tips for improving kicks, blocks, and hand strikes Guidance on psychological preparation Fighter’s Fact Book includes hundreds of training methods drawn from the author’s vast experience, research, and interviews with top instructors from around the country. This is an essential reference for every martial arts student and instructor.
Fighter's Fact Book 1: Principles and Drills to Make You a Better Fighter ebooks
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