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Beschreibung A Shared Childhood: The Story of Integrated Education in Northern Ireland
In 1981 a group of parents decided to tear up the pattern of division and open a school that would welcome Protestants, Catholics, children of all faiths and of none. The history of organised integrated education in Northern Ireland is marked by the effort of challenging long-accepted and unquestioned assumptions. Enemies have been plentiful and varied, from the loyalist paramilitaries who threatened that first school to the more genteel churchmen who met appeals for help with coldness and hostility.Twenty-one years later, efforts to break down barriers and encourage links between schools are established government policy. Integrated education has become an accepted and formidable part of the education system, putting other school sectors on their mettle.
Lesen Sie das Buch A Shared Childhood: The Story of Integrated Education in Northern Ireland
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