PDF Karatedo Kempo
Beschreibung Karatedo Kempo
Translated by Okinawan Goju Karate Master Michael Robinson, this is the only English version of this classic text in existence! In this book, the Shito-Ryu Karate founder Mabuni Kenwa gives the reader:1) An explanation of the history, purpose and philosophy of Karate2) The Okinawan Bubishi3) Dim Mak (also known as "Death Touch) secrets with illustrations4) The "7 Forbidden Strikes"5) A bunkai (explanation) of Seipai Kata6) And much more!This book is a must-read for any Martial Arts enthusiast! Get a copy while this bargain price is still available!
Lesen Sie das Buch Karatedo Kempo
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Shaolin Kempo: Chinesisches Karate im Drachenstil: ~ Shaolin Kempo: Chinesisches Karate im Drachenstil / Czerni, Roland, Konrad, Klaus / ISBN: 9783938305171 / Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
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