Buch online The Yang Tà ijà 24-Step Short Form: A Step-by-Step Guide for all Levels (English Edition)
Beschreibung The Yang Tà ijà 24-Step Short Form: A Step-by-Step Guide for all Levels (English Edition)
Yang 24-Step Tàijíquan is one of the most widely-practiced Tàijíquan forms in the world today, and the form that most people first learn. Gentle enough to be suitable for the elderly, yet challenging enough to stretch even the most experienced practitioner, it is also one of the most accessible and rewarding. In his new book, James Drewe provides a comprehensive and detailed explication of the postures and movements of the form. For each, he describes exactly how the weight flows, how to use the hands, how to move the limbs, and how to relax into the movement, clearly explaining each step with the aid of foot patterns and photographs. Sections on the internal aspects of Tàijíquan, descriptions of the subtle variations that may be made when performing certain movements, and even instructions on how to fit the movements to music are also included. This comprehensive guide to Yang 24-Step Tàijíquan is an invaluable resource for taiji practitioners at all levels, including beginners, as well as taiji instructors, and students of other martial arts.
The Yang Tà ijà 24-Step Short Form: A Step-by-Step Guide for all Levels (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
The Yang Tà ijà 24-Step Short Form: A Step-by-Step Guide ~ The Yang Tà ijà 24-Step Short Form: A Step-by-Step Guide for all Levels (English Edition) eBook: James Drewe: : Kindle-Shop
The Yang Tà ijà 24-Step Short Form: A Step-by-Step Guide ~ The Yang Tà ijà 24-Step Short Form: A Step-by-Step Guide for all Levels [Drewe, James] on . *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The Yang Tà ijà 24-Step Short Form: A Step-by-Step Guide for all Levels
The Yang Tà ijà 24-Step Short Form : a Step-by-Step Guide ~ Get this from a library! The Yang Tà ijà 24-Step Short Form : a Step-by-Step Guide for all Levels.. [James Drewe] -- Yang 24-Step Tà ijÃquan is one of the most widely-practiced Tà ijÃquan forms in the world today, and the form that most people first learn. Gentle enough to be suitable for the elderly, yet .
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