Buch Pat Robertson: An American Life
Beschreibung Pat Robertson: An American Life
A complimentary, independent portrait of the 700 Club host and co-founder of the Christian Coalition considers his role as a reviled figure in the secular world and a formidable role model among Christian fundamentalists, in a profile that lauds his achievements while questioning some of his decisions.
Pat Robertson: An American Life ebooks
Pat Robertson - ~ America's Dates with Destiny by Pat Robertson (2008-10-21) Taschenbuch Beyond Reason: How Miracles Can Change Your Life by Pat Robertson (1985-12-01) Taschenbuch The Plan: A Candid Look at Pursuing God's Plan for Our Lives by Pat Robertson (1989-12-01) Gebundene Ausgabe Next page > Bücher von Pat Robertson Sprache: Sprache: Deutsche Titel. Alle Formate Hörbuch Kindle Gebundenes Buch Weitere .
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Pat Robertson – Wikipedia ~ Marion Gordon „Pat“ Robertson (* 22.März 1930 in Lexington, Virginia) ist ein US-amerikanischer Prediger und Politiker.Er gilt als eine der einflussreichsten Personen der konservativen Rechten in den Vereinigten Staaten.Er ist einer der Gründer der Christian Coalition of America sowie Gründer und Präsident der evangelikalen Regent University
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Pat Robertson / Biography & Facts / Britannica ~ Pat Robertson, American evangelist who was noted for his conservative views. He founded (1960) what became the Christian Broadcasting Network, which aired his talk show, The 700 Club. Robertson was also known for his controversial comments. Learn more about his life and career.
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Crazy for God: How I Grew Up as One of the Elect, Helped ~ But as he spoke before thousands in arenas around America, published his own evangelical bestseller, and worked with such figures as Pat Robertson, Jack Kemp, Jerry Falwell, and Dr. James Dobson, Schaeffer felt alienated, precipitating his own crisis of faith and eventually resulting in his departure. Schaeffer has since become a successful secular author. He was reduced to stealing pork chops .
Pat Robertson Shares Bonkers Message From God And Twitter ~ "Pat Robertson says God told him Trump will win reelection & it will bring the End Times." Okay, well, there's your clear election choice right there. For once, there really is a big difference between the two candidates. Vote Biden and live. — Elayne Nasty Woman Boosler (@ElayneBoosler) October 20, 2020
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