Buch lesen Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells Us to Deny Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Equality
Beschreibung Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells Us to Deny Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Equality
A deeply religious man who sees fundamentalism as "evangelical Christian orthodoxy gone cultic," Mel White believes that it is not a stretch to say that the true goals of today's fundamentalists are to break down the wall that separates church and state, superimpose their "moral values" on the US Constitution, replace democracy with theocratic rule, and ultimately create a new "Christian America" in their image. As he writes, "These are not just Neocons dressed in religious drag. These men see themselves as gurus called by God to rescue America from unrighteousness. They believe this is a Christian nation that must be returned forcibly to its Christian roots." White is also a gay man who made news when he came out more than fourteen years ago. He has gained a unique understanding of the fundamentalist agenda because, since the fall of "godless Communism," homosexuality and abortion have become the primary targets through which fundamentalists have created fear, raised money, and mobilized recruits. Originally published in hardcover three years ago under the title Religion Gone Bad , Holy Terror documents the thirty-year war that fundamentalist Christians have waged against gays and lesbians and offers dramatic, heartbreaking evidence that fundamentalist leaders are waging nothing less than a "holy war" against sexual minorities. Mel White is the president and co-founder of Soulforce, an organization committed to ending religious-based bigotry against gay men and lesbians in America. The recipient of the ACLU's National Civil Liberties Award, he lives in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells Us to Deny Gay, Lesbian, and Transgender Equality PDF ePub
Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells Us to Deny Gay ~ "Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells to Deny Gay Equality", by Mel White, is a treasure map to the answer. For thirty years, the Rev. Dr. Mel White served the evangelical Christian community as a pastor, seminary professor and ghostwriter to powerful and famous leaders, including Billy Graham, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. His autobiography Stranger at the Gate (1994) is a book I recommend often.
“Holy Terror” by Mel White / Hey Church, You Got Played ~ “Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells to Deny Gay Equality”, by Mel White, is a treasure map to the answer. For thirty years, the Rev. Dr. Mel White served the evangelical Christian community as a pastor, seminary professor and ghostwriter to powerful and famous leaders, including Billy Graham, Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell. His autobiography Stranger at the Gate (1994) is a
Mel White - Wikipedia ~ White's latest book, Religion Gone Bad: Hidden Dangers from the Christian Right (2007), is called "A consciousness-raising, must-read book" by Bishop John Shelby Spong. It was reissued later in revised form with the title Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells Us to Deny Gay Equality.
GLBT RELIGION SPIRITUALITY A SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY 2011–2015 ~ Holy Terror: Lies the Christian Right Tells Us to Deny Gay Equality. by Mel White. Bella Distribution, November 2011. The Holy War Against Homosexuals. by T. Stetson Hunter. Balboa Press, 2011. Homophobia in the Black Church: How Faith, Politics, and Fear Divide the Black Community. by Anthony Stanford. Praeger, 2013. The Homophobic Mind. by .
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Religion and Acceptance of Gays / Psychology Today ~ Considering that the Catholic Church, conservative Jews and many fundamentalist Christians have been the most outspoken opponents of gay rights, it is perhaps not surprising that LGB people and .
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Lesbian - Wikipedia ~ A lesbian is a homosexual woman. The word lesbian is also used for women in relation to their sexual identity or sexual behavior, regardless of sexual orientation, or as an adjective to characterize or associate nouns with female homosexuality or same-sex attraction.. The concept of "lesbian" to differentiate women with a shared sexual orientation evolved in the 20th century. Throughout .
Dear Church, Here’s Why People Are Really Leaving You ~ We can be entertained anywhere. Until you can give us something more than a Christian-themed performance piece—something that allows us space and breath and conversation and relationship—many of us are going to sleep in and stay away. 2. You speak in a foreign tongue. Church, you talk and talk and talk, but you do so using a dead language .
List of Christian denominations affirming LGBT - Wikipedia ~ Some Christian denominations do not consider homosexuality or transgender identity to be sins.These include entire religious denominations, as well as individual churches and congregations. Some are composed mainly of non-LGBT members and also have specific programs to welcome LGBT people, while others are composed mainly of LGBT members.
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18 Bible Verses About Acceptance & Scripture on Loving Others ~ Even though Scriptures tells us to seek unity and show no partiality, we are also warned to stay away from bad company. Being accepting of others and loving them as God does, doesn't mean that we allow them to become an influence in our lives. We've compiled some Bible verses below that relate to accepting others and understanding God's acceptance of us. Use these Scriptures to gain wisdom and .
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Homophobia - Wikipedia ~ The tendency of Republicans to view gay and lesbian people negatively could be based on homophobia, religious beliefs, or conservatism with respect to the traditional family. Homophobia also varies by region; statistics show that the Southern United States has more reports of anti-gay prejudice than any other region in the US.
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