PDF Rules for Reformers
Beschreibung Rules for Reformers
In Rules for Reformers, Douglas Wilson poaches the political craft of radical progressives and applies it to Christian efforts in the current culture war. The result is a spicy blend of combat manual and cultural manifesto. Rules for Reformers is a little bit proclamation of grace, a little bit Art of War, and a little bit analysis of past embarrassments and current cowardice, all mixed together with a bunch of advanced knife-fighting techniques. As motivating as it is provocative, Rules for Reformers is just plain good to read. Thanks to Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals: A Practical Primer for Realistic Radicals -- a book well-beloved by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and many others -- for much of the shrewd advice, and for none of the worldview.
Rules for Reformers Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Rules for Reformers: Wilson, Douglas: 9781591281795 ~ The Rules for Reformers are as follows: 1) Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and forever. 2) Always remember the distinction between principles and methods. 3) Reformers are conservatives, which means they must be prefer the concrete to the abstract. 4) Reformers must cultivate a high sense of humor. 5) Reformers must be combative.
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