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Beschreibung God's Glory and the Exhortation -and- The Flames of God's Fire
"16 Answers to why so many traditions of men exists within the organized religious system commonly known as the Christian Church. 1. Your Pastor, God anointed or self appointed (Jeremiah 14:14-15 & 23:21) 2. How to recognize False Prophets (Matthew 7:21-23) 3. How to recognize a true Pastor from a Hireling (John 10:12-13) 4. The body of Christ or a business for profi t (1 Peter 5:2-3) 5. How to recognize the sensual gospel that which pertains to the senses 6. How to recognize those who transform themselves into messengers of Christ (2 Cor. 11:30-15) 7. Why are things so predictable in Church meetings 8. How to recognize Hirelings who use God, His word and gifts to be rich and famous (1 Peter 4:17) 9. True Church or a repeating liturgical melody of sameness; the one reason Jesus and the Apostles were persecuted and killed; their opposition to traditions of men. (Mark 7:6-13) 10. Why don t we have Church the way Paul and Jesus COMMANDED us to have Church? (1 Cor. 14:26-40) 11. Why doesn t Jesus do in many ministries what He did in his ministry? 12. Did Jesus CONDEMN appellations of honor, (titles, such as Pastor, Reverend, etc., ) before names in His Church (Matthew 23:1-8) They had the offi ce, but were not called by it. 13. Did Jesus Christ start a denomination? (Matt. 20:25-28) 14. Does Jesus hate clergy-laity division? (Nicolaitans) in His church (Rev 2:6, Rev. 2:15, 1 Cor. 12:25) Preaching or Performing 15. Why the Church is fi lled with grace perverters, money lovers, truth opposers, while pretending to be harmless, true and sincere 16. Why are many self righteous, spiritually blind, worldly secure while trusting in success and themselves; pretending to win souls, but really preaching for gain, healing for fame, building towers of Babel which are nothing more than monuments to their own egos (1 Timothy 6:3-5) GOD S GLORY AND THE EXHORTATION By Rene Bates This book could very well prepare the way for the Lord s return. Thought provoking to some, shocking to others. Available through all book stores. www.Authorhouse.com or toll free (888) 280- 7715 It could change the way you view present day Christianity. Qoutations: 'I was blessed as well as deeply impressed with the years of spiritual maturing and growth that it took to produce this kind of writing. A reader could not fail to be touched by the Lord in any number of ways in your collection of reflective essays.'-Charlie Johnson, Manager of Christian Books Publishing House, The Seed Sowers'Intriguing blend of spiritual vignette personal testimony. The author makes numerous thought-provoking statements. Author Bates has a timely, and probably convictng for many, message to share.'-George Allen, Journalist for 'The Christian Advocate''I was touched in my spirit by what the Lord gave you to write. I'm sure all the messages that you gave from your heart originated from the heart of the Father. I want to confirm that I personally believe God's annoiting was in this writing. Your humility and honesty were apparent.'-Betty Daffin, Staff of 'Last Days Ministry Magazine''Thank your brother for sharing that with me. I read it and you have certainly described a critical situation for the body of Christ today. I will get your message to Pat Robinson's office.'-George Brown, Director of the CBN Conferences'Powerful meditaions, indeed, ...'-Richard E. Brown, Editor at The Pilgrim Press'You give such a strong witness to your faith ...'-(The Rev.) David V. Koch, Executive Editor, Concordia Publishing House" "