Buch lesen Secret Radio: My Senior Year at a Christian Fundamentalist College (Twenty-Five Years Ago) by Grace Jovian
Beschreibung Secret Radio: My Senior Year at a Christian Fundamentalist College (Twenty-Five Years Ago) by Grace Jovian
Hard hitting, funny, outrageous, and tender by turns, Secret Radio delivers a scathing assessment of the scandals, gross ignorance of Scripture, and back room deals that have been tolerated in Fundamentalism, while at the same time showing the genuine faith of many who labor for Christ and find Him faithful to His people. Told in journal format as Grace narrates her story, the book chronicles the lives of Grace and her five roommates during her senior year, from the dreamy Lilly who draws action and adventure comics to the brilliant, poker-faced Cinn, the godly Amy Carmichael and tragic Mary, this is a comedy about the tragedy of abuse of authority. Grace fills her adventures with vivid, real faces of a living and breathing humanity too often discounted by men dedicated to building big churches. The book introduces many characters: some of them villains, some of them saints, and most of them somewhere in between, but all needing the grace and mercy of God. Intended for adult Christian readers.
Lesen Sie das Buch Secret Radio: My Senior Year at a Christian Fundamentalist College (Twenty-Five Years Ago) by Grace Jovian
: Secret Radio: My Senior Year at a Christian ~ : Secret Radio: My Senior Year at a Christian Fundamentalist College (Twenty-Five Years Ago) By Grace Jovian (9780981471839): Massi, Jeri, Jovian, Grace: Books
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