Buch online Beginning Wing Chun Why Wing Chun Works
Beschreibung Beginning Wing Chun Why Wing Chun Works
Setting a new benchmark in martial arts literature, this completely revised edition has been updated to reflect the evolution of training methods, both of the author and of the martial arts world in general. Once again this essential manual is clearly illustrated with photography and diagrams, but in addition, it now contains a complete set of training drills, with key footwork and concept linking methods. Fighting practice, fence work, and strength and conditioning are also included in this comprehensive reworking of a classic book. Learn how Wing Chun works, why it is so effective in practice and why its methods differ so radically from other martial arts.
Beginning Wing Chun Why Wing Chun Works PDF ePub
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Wing Chun von Armin Haiderer portofrei bei bücher bestellen ~ Wing Chun ist eine ursprünglich aus China stammende Kampfkunst, die sich vor allem auf dem Selbstverteidigungssektor heute großer Beliebtheit erfreut - allen voran im deutschsprachigen Raum. Es gibt eine Fülle an verschiedenen Stilen, Ausprägungen und Organisationen im Wing Chun und doch blieb aus unterschiedlichen Gründen eine ernsthafte, wissenschaftliche und öffentliche .
The Tao of Wing Chun: The History and Principles of China ~ The Tao of Wing Chun provides a readable, authoritative means of cultivating personal protection skills, enhanced flexibility, improved coordination, greater stamina, and physical and mental fitness while simultaneously cultivating humility, focus, determination, self-confidence, character, camaraderie, and deep inner strength. Foremost, this book offers the reader the means by which to apply .
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