Buch online Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing Chi Energy
Beschreibung Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing Chi Energy
A guide to the internal martial arts exercises of short-form Wu-Style Tai Chi • Details the 8 core forms of Wu-Style Tai Chi with fully illustrated instructions • Ideal for older practitioners as well as those with health disabilities due to the “small frame” primary stance, slower and smaller movements, and conservation of energy • Explains how Wu Style provides a natural introduction to martial arts boxing • Reveals how Wu Style eases stiffness, relieves back pain, and reduces abdominal fat Following the flow of chi energy, rather than directing it as in traditional Tai Chi, Wu-Style Tai Chi focuses on internal development, seeking to conserve chi energy and gather jin power from the Earth through the tan tien. Centered on a “small frame” stance--that is, feet closer together and arms closer to the body--and a slower progression of movements in solo practice, Wu Style offers a gentle Tai Chi form for beginners and, when practiced with a partner, a grounding introduction to martial arts boxing and Fa Jin (the discharge of energy for self-defense). The more functional stance, smaller movements, and conservation of internal energy make Wu-Style Tai Chi ideal for older practitioners as well as those with health disabilities. Condensing the 37 movements of Wu Style into 8 core forms, Master Mantak Chia and Andrew Jan illustrate how to build a personal short-form Wu-Style Tai Chi practice. They explain how Wu-Style Tai Chi removes energetic blockages and helps to elongate the tendons, reducing stiffness and allowing the limbs to return to their natural length and full range of motion. Regular practice of Wu Style relieves back pain as well as reducing abdominal fat, the biggest hindrance to longevity. Exploring the martial arts applications of Wu Style, the authors trace its history beginning with founder Wu Chuan-Yu (1834-1902) as well as explain how to apply Wu Style to “Push Hands” (Tui Shou) and Fa Jin. Through mastering the short-form Wu Style detailed in this book, Tai Chi practitioners harness a broad range of health benefits as well as build a solid foundation for learning the complete long-form Wu Style.
Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing Chi Energy Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing ~ Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing Chi Energy / Chia, Mantak, Jan, Andrew / ISBN: 9781594774713 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing ~ Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing Chi Energy / Mantak Chia, Andrew Jan / download / B–OK. Download books for free. Find books
Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing ~ Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing Chi Energy - Ebook written by Mantak Chia, Andrew Jan. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing Chi Energy.
Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing ~ Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing Chi Energy (Paperback) - Common / Chia, Mantak / ISBN: 0884748922738 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing ~ Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing Chi Energy (English Edition) eBook: Mantak Chia, Andrew Jan: : Kindle-Shop
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Tai Chi Wu Style: Advanced Techniques for Internalizing ~ A guide to the internal martial arts exercises of short-form Wu-Style Tai Chi • Details the 8 core forms of Wu-Style Tai Chi with fully illustrated instructions • Ideal for older practitioners as well as those with health disabilities due to the “small frame” primary stance, slower and smaller movements, and conservation of energy • Explains how Wu Style provides a natural .
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Wu-style t'ai chi ch'uan - Wikipedia ~ The Wu style's distinctive hand form, pushing hands and weapons trainings emphasize parallel footwork and horse stance training with the feet relatively closer together than the modern Yang or Chen styles, small circle hand techniques (although large circle techniques are trained as well) and differs from the other t'ai chi family styles martially with Wu style's initial focus on grappling .