PDF The Jesus Factory (English Edition)
Beschreibung The Jesus Factory (English Edition)
An Adventure Novel of the Spirit that Reveals the Lost Message of the Hidden Apostle. This is the story of one man's search beyond religious fundamentalism to discover the real meaning of Christ's message. Out of the ruins of ancient Turkey, comes a new messenger and a new gospel that will change the world. The Jesus Factory is the story of love, faith, ambition, greed and power. It reaches into each one of us to our very core; challenging our long-held beliefs and identity as Christians. In the midst of our own dark night of the soul, we can find hope and a new spiritual truth, if we have the courage to face our own belief systems. This is the story of a new journey of faith and a new gospel which was lost. Your journey will bring you face to face with the lost message of the hidden Apostle. This courageous book will take you to new heights and fill you with hope as you find your own new spiritual identity. Meet Peter Andrews, a young handsome charismatic minister and the woman of his dreams, Ann Park. Together, they heard the call to preach the gospel and save souls for Christ. Peter had everything going for him; good looks, great personality and a fire in his belly to become the greatest preacher the world had ever seen. Ann also felt the call to preach, but because she was a woman, she was not allowed to fulfill her dream. Their story is one of love, tenderness, ambition, tragedy and redemption. They were happy and content, until they met Jeremiah, and then their world turned upside down.What would you do if a diabolical presence made you an offer of power, money and world fame? What choice would you make? When Jesus was tempted, he had the courage to choose wisely, but what if you had that choice and you didn’t know the offer was malevolent, but thought God was making the offer. Would you have the courage to choose wisely? This story reaches into the very darkest corners of the human heart and the motives of today’s religious power brokers. It is a journey that you won’t soon forget. Do you have the courage to face your deepest held beliefs to find the real truth?
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