Ebook A Western Agnostic Explores the Koran
Beschreibung A Western Agnostic Explores the Koran
I created this exploration to acquaint Westerners with what the Koran really says. If we know more about the Koran, it will help us understand all Muslims, whose lives are governed by the Koran. Many Westerners who have tried to read the Koran have found it difficult and repetitious. This 20 chapter book offers clarity. It is in a way a digest, almost entirely a compilation of verse quotations selected from one of two translations, one titled "The Koran," by a late 19th Century Christian minister, the other titled "The Holy Qur'an," by a late 20th Century Muslim couple (with extensive scholarly interpolations). As an Agnostic, for each verse quoted I selected between the two translations on the bases of clarity and bias neutrality. Each of the 20 chapters is made up of verse quotations on the subject of the chapter, plus my introductory and continuity notes, and my commentary -- from my own 94 years of experience -- suggested by the chapter's subject. It is NEVER a critique! My purpose: LET THE KORAN SPEAK FOR ITSELF
A Western Agnostic Explores the Koran ebooks
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A Western Agnostic Explores the Koran by Richard C ~ Available in: Paperback. The book is made up of verse quotations from one of two Koran translations in 20 chapters, each chapter a different subject -- Mohammed, Jesus and Christianity, War, Women, etc. It will help Westerners understand the Muslim mind..
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A Western Agnostic Explores the Koran by Richard C ~ I created this exploration to acquaint Westerners with what the Koran really says. If we know more about the Koran, it will help us understand all Muslims, whose lives are governed by the Koran. Many Westerners who have tried to read the Koran have found it difficult and repetitious. This 20.
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