Ebook Ruotsila, M: Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism
Beschreibung Ruotsila, M: Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism
For most of his sixty-year career, the Reverend Carl McIntire was at the center of controversy. The best-known and most influential of the fundamentalist radio broadcasters and anticommunists of the Cold War era, his many enemies depicted him as a dangerous far rightist, a racist, or a "McCarthyite" opportunist engaged in red-baiting for personal profit. Despised and hounded by liberals, revered by fundamentalists, and distrusted by the center, he became a lightning rod in the early days of America's culture wars. Markku Ruotsila's Fighting Fundamentalist, the first scholarly biography of McIntire, peels off the accumulated layers of caricature and makes a case for restoring McIntire to his place as one of the most consequential religious leaders in the twentieth-century United States. Ruotsila traces McIntire's life from his early twentieth-century childhood in Oklahoma to his death in 2002. From his discipleship under J. Gresham Machen during the fundamentalist-modernist controversy, through his fifty-year pastorate in Collingswood, New Jersey, and his presidency of the International Council of Christian Churches, McIntire, Ruotsila shows, stands out as the most important fundamentalist of his time. Drawing on exhaustive research in fifty-two archival collections-including the recently opened collection of the Carl McIntire papers and never-before-seen FBI files-Ruotsila looks beyond the McIntire of legend to discover a serious theological, political, and economic combatant, a tireless organizer who pioneered the public theologies, inter-faith alliances, and political methods that would give birth to the Christian Right. The moral values agenda of the 1970s and after would not have existed, Ruotsila shows, without the anti-communist and anti-New Deal activism that McIntire inaugurated. Indeed, twentieth-century American religious and political history were profoundly shaped by forces McIntire set in motion. Fighting Fundamentalist tells the overlooked story of McIntire and the movement he inspired.
Ruotsila, M: Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the ~ Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism Markku Ruotsila Abstract. For most of his sixty-year career, the Rev. Carl McIntire was at the center of controversy. The best known and most influential of the fundamentalist radio broadcasters and anticommunists of the Cold War era, his many church and political enemies depicted him as a dangerous far .
Fighting Fundamentalist: ebook jetzt bei Weltbild als ~ Markku Ruotsila's Fighting Fundamentalist, the first scholarly biography of McIntire, peels off the accumulated layers of caricature and makes a case for restoring McIntire to his place as one of the most consequential religious leaders in the twentieth-century United States. Ruotsila traces McIntire's life from his early twentieth-century childhood in Oklahoma to his death in 2002. From his .
Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the ~ Fighting Fundamentalist is an exceptionally well-researched biographical polemic designed to rehabilitate the rancorous Carl McIntire from his reputation as a bigoted, extremist crank. Against the longstanding consensus that fundamentalism’s cultural rapprochement was led by more accommodating “neo-evangelicals,” Ruotsila argues that McIntire played “a crucial role in the .
Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the ~ <italic toggle="yes">Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism</italic>
Fighting Fundamentalist - Markku Ruotsila - Oxford ~ Fighting Fundamentalist Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism Markku Ruotsila. First scholarly biography of Carl McIntire; Based on 52 archival collections including the recently opened collection of the Carl McIntire papers and never-before seen FBI files ; Offers a reinterpretation of the rise of the Christian Right in the US " Also of Interest. Sacrificing the Self .
Fighting Fundamentalist eBook by Markku Ruotsila ~ Read "Fighting Fundamentalist Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism" by Markku Ruotsila available from Rakuten Kobo. For most of his sixty-year career, the Reverend Carl McIntire was at the center of controversy. The best-known and most .
: Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the ~ Markku Ruotsila's Fighting Fundamentalist, the first scholarly biography of McIntire, peels off the accumulated layers of caricature and makes a case for restoring McIntire to his place as one of the most consequential religious leaders in the twentieth-century United States. Ruotsila traces McIntire's life from his early twentieth-century childhood in Oklahoma to his death in 2002. From his .
Vol. 95, No. 2, Fall/Winter 2017 of The Journal of ~ Christian Reconstruction: R. J. Rushdoony and American Religious Conservativism by Michael J. McVicar; Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism by Markku Ruotsila (pp. 84-85)
Come-Outer: The Twentieth-Century Reformation Movement ~ This chapter reassesses the separatist fundamentalist movement from 1936 to 1945. It starts with an examination of McIntire’s creation of the Bible Presbyterian Church, his Christian Beacon newspaper and his radio ministry. Covered next is the creation of the American Council of Christian Churches and this group’s World War II era engagement with public affairs.
Eco sensitive leadership Since the current leadership in ~ Ruotsila, M. (2015). Fighting fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the politicization of American fundamentalism. Oxford University Press. Sosik, J. J., Zhu, W., & Blair, A. L. (2011). Felt authenticity and demonstrating transformational leadership in faith communities. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management, 12 (3), 179. 7. You've reached the end of your free preview. Want to read all 7 .
9780199372997 - Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and ~ Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism by Markku Ruotsila ISBN 13: 9780199372997 ISBN 10: 0199372993 Hardcover; 2016. 416p. Hardback.: Oxford University Press, 2015-12; ISBN-13: 978-0199372997
Carl McIntire - Wikipedia ~ Carl Curtis McIntire, Jr. (May 17, 1906 – March 19, 2002), known as Carl McIntire, was a founder and minister in the Bible Presbyterian Church, founder and long-time president of the International Council of Christian Churches and the American Council of Christian Churches, and a popular religious radio broadcaster, who proudly identified himself as a fundamentalist.
Markku Ruotsila – Wikipedia ~ Markku Ruotsila (s.1. maaliskuuta 1969) on Pohjois-Amerikan kirkkohistorian dosentti Helsingin yliopiston teologisessa tiedekunnassa ja Yhdysvaltain ja Ison-Britannian historian dosentti Tampereen yliopistossa.Hän on ennen muuta yhdysvaltalaiseen aate-, kirkko- ja poliittiseen historiaan erikoistunut historioitsija, joka on julkaissut laajalti varsinkin angloamerikkalaisen antikommunismin .
Ebook Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire And The ~ FIGHTING FUNDAMENTALIST: CARL MCINTIRE AND THE POLITICIZATION OF AMERICAN FUNDAMENTALISM FREE DOWNLOAD Author: Markku Ruotsila ISBN: 9780199372997 Download Link: CLICK HERE. Giovanni Maltese. Pentekostalismus, Politik und Gesellschaft in den Philippinen Diese Homogenisierung hat nicht stattgefunden. Skip to main content Skip to table of contents. Advertisement Hide. This service is more .
칼 매킨타이어 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전 ~ Markku Ruotsila, Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016). Gladys Titzck Rhoads and Nancy Titzck Anderson, McIntire: Defender of Faith and Freedom (Xulon Press, 2012) ISBN 978-1-61996-231-6.
Carl Abrams / Bob Jones University ~ --Markku Ruotsila, author of Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism. Members of Faith Free Presbyterian Church, he and his wife led nine summer mission teams to Africa. Abrams serves on the board of the Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions and is a volunteer for a local nonprofit .
Unexpected Orthodoxy of Donald J. Trump: White Evangelical ~ Ruotsila, Markku. 2015. Fighting Fundamentalist: Carl McIntire and the Politicization of American Fundamentalism. New York: Oxford University Press. Google Scholar. OpenURL Placeholder Text Smith, Christian. .
Family Values and the Rise of the Christian Right ~ Ministers, legislators, and laypeople came together to fight abortion, gay rights, and major feminist objectives. They supported private Christian schools, home schooling, and a strong military. Family values leaders like Jerry Falwell, Phyllis Schlafly, Anita Bryant, and James Dobson became increasingly supportive of the Republican Party, which accommodated the language of family values in .