Pdf lesen Maltby, P: Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Dise
Beschreibung Maltby, P: Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Dise
Within the familiar clash of religious conservatism and secular liberalism Paul Maltby finds a deeper discord: an antipathy between Christian fundamentalism and the postmodern culture of disenchantment. Arguing that each camp represents the poles of America's virulent culture wars, he shows how the cultural identity, lifestyle, and political commitments of many Americans match either the fundamentalist profile of one who cleaves to metaphysical and authoritarian beliefs or the postmodern profile of one who is disposed to critical inquiry and radical-democratic values.Maltby offers a critique that operates in both directions. His use of the resources of postmodern theory to contest fundamentalism's doctrinal claims, ultra-right politics, anti-environmentalism, and conservative aesthetics informs his engagement with contemporary fundamentalist painting, spiritual warfare fiction, dominionist attitudes to nature, and a profoundly undemocratic interpretation of Christianity. At the same time, Maltby identifies some of fundamentalismÂ’s legitimate spiritual concerns, assesses the cost of perpetual critique, and exposes the deficit of spiritual meaning that haunts the culture of disenchantment.
Lesen Sie das Buch Maltby, P: Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Dise
Maltby, P: Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of ~ Maltby, P: Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Dise / Maltby, Paul / ISBN: 9780813933450 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Disenchantment ~ Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Disenchantment / Paul Maltby / ISBN: 9780813933443 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Disenchantment ~ Christian Fundamentalism and the Culture of Disenchantment by Paul Maltby (2013-02-05) / Paul Maltby / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs: Fundamentalism and ~ The Tenacity of Unreasonable Beliefs is a passionate yet analytical critique of Jewish, Christian, and Muslim scriptural fundamentalists. Schimmel examines the ways in which otherwise intelligent and bright Jews, Christians, and Muslims defend their belief in the divine authorship of the Bible or of the Koran, and other religious beliefs derived from those claims, against overwhelming evidence .
C Street: The Fundamentalist Threat to American Democracy ~ And now, after laying bare its tenants' past in The Family, Sharlet reports from deep within fundamentalism in today's world, revealing that the previous efforts of religious fundamentalists in America pale in comparison with their long-term ambitions. When Barack Obama entered the White House, headlines declared the age of culture wars over.
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Masculinity and the Christian Right in American Culture - GRIN ~ The Judeo-Christian belief has entirely met American culture, and American culture has met the Judeo-Christian belief. However, culture is, as we know, not static, but is always in a state of flux, it is always in a state of transition and thus transformation. As to this trans-categorical concept, Alan Wolfe notes the following: Always in a state of transition, faith in the United States .
Literary Ecology and the Ethics of Texts / Request PDF ~ Download citation . Copy link Link copied . Bringing into focus Christian fundamentalism and its own theocratic aspirations is thus—“toutes proportions gardées,” as the French might add .
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Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science & Theology ~ Attempting to confuse this book with "Christian fundamentalism" is just lazy. I am a professional engineer. Engineers understand design about as well as any profession--maybe better than most. Dembski's insights into design are solid. I had suspected before that many scientists see design as something "less than" science, but never questioned why. Dembski has revealed what I see as an ugly .
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Religious Fundamentalism and Social Identity ebook ~ Religious Fundamentalism and Social Identity is unique in applying social identity theory to fundamentalism, and rare in that it provides psychological (in addition to sociological) analyses of the phenomenon. It is a valuable resource for courses in social psychology which seek to demonstrate the applicability of social psychological theory to the real world.
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Jordan, R: The Second Coming of Paisley: Militant ~ <p>The Second Coming of Paisley is the first book to examine the relationship between the Reverend Ian Paisley and leaders of the militant wing of evangelical fundamentalism in the United States. Jordan convincingly demonstrates that it was exposure to the ideas and principles of leaders of the Christian right such as Carl McIntire and Billy James Hargis that enabled Paisley to develop a .
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The Two Faces of Islam: Saudi Fundamentalism and Its Role ~ He misses few opportunities to insult conservatives and even compares Christians who embrace the fundamentals of Christianity as similar to Wahhabism (p. 79). There must be some value to this work, but it is disheartening to wade through the muck contained in this book to find an occasional gem.
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