Ebook The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada (English Edition)
Beschreibung The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada (English Edition)
In her new book, award-winning journalist Marci McDonald draws back the curtain on the mysterious world of the right-wing Christian nationalist movement in Canada and its many ties to the Conservative government of Stephen Harper. To most Canadians, the politics of the United States — where fundamentalist Christians wield tremendous power and culture wars split the country — seem too foreign to ever happen here. But The Armageddon Factor shows that the Canadian Christian right — infuriated by the legalization of same-sex marriage and the increasing secularization of society — has been steadily and stealthily building organizations, alliances and contacts that have put them close to the levers of power and put the government of Canada in their debt. Determined to outlaw homosexuality and abortion, and to restore Canada to what they see as its divinely determined destiny to be a nation ruled by Christian laws and precepts, this group of true believers has moved the country far closer to the American mix of politics and religion than most Canadians would ever believe. McDonald’s book explores how a web of evangelical far-right Christians have built think-tanks and foundations that play a prominent role in determining policy for the Conservative government of Canada. She shows how Biblical belief has allowed Christians to put dozens of MPs in office and to build a power base across the country, across cultures and even across religions. “What drives that growing Christian nationalist movement is its adherents’ conviction that the end times foretold in the book of Revelation are at hand,” writes McDonald. “Braced for an impending apocalypse, they feel impelled to ensure that Canada assumes a unique, scripturally ordained role in the final days before the Second Coming — and little else.” The Armageddon Factor shows how the religious right’s influence on the Harper government has led to hugely important but little-known changes in everything from foreign policy and the makeup of the courts to funding for scientific research and social welfare programs like daycare. And the book also shows that the religious influence is here to stay, regardless of which party ends up in government. For those who thought the religious right in Canada was confined to rural areas and the west, this book is an eye-opener, outlining to what extent the corridors of power in Ottawa are now populated by true believers. For anyone who assumed that the American religious right stopped at the border, The Armageddon Factor explains how US money and evangelists have infiltrated Canadian politics. This book should be essential reading for Canadians of every religious belief or political stripe. Indeed, The Armageddon Factor should persuade every Canadian that, with the growth of such a movement, the future direction of the country is at stake.
The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism ~ The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada - Kindle edition by McDonald, Marci. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada.
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American nationalism - Wikipedia ~ American nationalism, or United States nationalism, . With a very fast growing industrial economy, immigrants were welcome from Europe, Canada, Mexico and Cuba and millions came. Becoming a full citizen was an easy process of filling out paperwork over a five-year span. However, new Asian arrivals were not welcome. Restrictions were imposed on most Chinese immigrants in the 1880s and .
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The New Face of Racism in Germany - The New York Times ~ In postwar Germany, Biedermänner were (and still are) seen as an enabling factor of Hitler’s coming to power. At the same time, the postwar generations of middle-class Germans proved reliably .
American nationalism - Wikipedia ~ American nationalism, or United States nationalism, . With a very fast growing industrial economy, immigrants were welcome from Europe, Canada, Mexico and Cuba and millions came. Becoming a full citizen was an easy process of filling out paperwork over a five-year span. However, new Asian arrivals were not welcome. Restrictions were imposed on most Chinese immigrants in the 1880s and .
The Conservative 1960s - The Atlantic ~ TURNING RIGHT IN THE SIXTIES: The Conservative Capture of the GOP. Read the first chapter of. ON July 16, 1964, Senator Barry Goldwater, of Arizona, approached the podium at the San Francisco Cow .
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Benedict Anderson - Wikipedia ~ Benedict Richard O'Gorman Anderson (August 26, 1936 – December 13, 2015) was a Chinese-born Anglo-Irish political scientist and historian who lived and taught in the United States. Anderson is best known for his 1983 book Imagined Communities, which explored the origins of nationalism.A polyglot with an interest in southeast Asia, he was the Aaron L. Binenkorb Professor Emeritus of .
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Dispensationalism - Wikipedia ~ Dispensationalism is a religious interpretive system and metanarrative for the Bible.It considers biblical history as divided by God into dispensations, defined periods or ages to which God has allotted distinctive administrative principles.According to dispensationalism, each age of God's plan is thus administered in a certain way, and humanity is held responsible as a steward during that time.