Buch Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story
Beschreibung Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story
“[Griffith] is a thorough independent scholar, and his concise writing makes historical facts engaging and relevant. His most important take-home message: it is not verboten for people of faith to ask why beliefs and practices developed in a specific way. In fact, it could even be considered an obligation for healthy, committed believers to do so.” —Publishers Weekly“I love Brian Griffith for having the heart to try to scrape away the barnacles of ideology and prejudice that keep attaching themselves to those four, frail little gospel boats. Part of this book will break your heart as he describes how little compromises and strategic emphases grow into huge errors and disasters.” —FRANK COTTRELL BOYCE, author of Millions, a Carnegie Medal award-winning book adapted into a feature film directed by Danny BoyleIn Correcting Jesus, Brian Griffith patiently and clearly untangles the many strands of the story of Christianity, and the many changes made over the centuries to the original story of Jesus and his message. If you’ve ever wondered, “Where did that rule come from?” and “Was it always this way?” this book will provide enlightenment.Brian Griffith grew up in Texas, studied history at the University of Alberta, and now lives just outside of Toronto, Ontario. He is an independent historian who examines how cultural history influences our lives, and how collective experience offers insights for our future.
Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story: ~ Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story / Brian Griffith / ISBN: 9781458779106 / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story: ~ Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story / / ISBN: / Kostenloser Versand fĂĽr alle BĂĽcher mit Versand und Verkauf duch .
Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story ~ All Books Children's Books School Books History Fiction Travel & Holiday Arts & Photography Mystery & Suspense Business & Investing .
Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story ~ "Correcting Jesus" does a fantastic job of providing a historical summary of events along the 2,000-year timeline. (In fact, it is so good I've made a note to verify some of the book's contents . assuming the book is accurate, it is "golden"!) My only problems with the publication are minor: at times it is a lot of information to plow through; and also, as noted on the back cover, much of .
Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story ~ In Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story Griffith notes howstarting with the disciples themselvesJesus has been second-guessed.” Oregonian . Brian Griffith’s Correcting Jesus is a fiercely moral, highly learned, and very welcome entry into public conversations about Christianity and social life. Focusing on the way in which Christian interpreterseven as early as the apostles .
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Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story ~ Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing the Story: Griffith, Brian: .mx: Libros. Saltar al contenido principal.mx Prueba Prime Hola, IdentifĂcate. Cuenta y Listas IdentifĂcate Cuenta y Listas Devoluciones y Pedidos. Prueba . Prime Carrito. Libros. Ir Buscar Hola Elige tu .
Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing The Story ~ Correcting Jesus: 2000 Years of Changing The Story. by Griffith, Brian on September 3, 2010 / 1 Review or Comment. purchase for $11.57. How is it possible that Jesus’ words have been utilized to justify both pacifist and prowar agendas? Historian Griffith (The Gardens of Their Dreams) is not an iconoclast, but he is not afraid to examine the various ways that Christianity has interpreted .
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