Buch Fundamental Theology
Beschreibung Fundamental Theology
This book is an updated investigation of the central themes of fundamental theology: revelation, hermeneutics, faith and its formulations, and the role of authoritative teaching in the Church. In a clear and balanced manner, Gerald O'Collins sums up the best of Roman Catholic teaching since Vatican II. Students and others who are reflecting on the nature of their Christian belief will find this book invaluable. The unique quality of this work, however, is its foundation in human experience. Before he probes the theological issues, O'Collins lays down a groundwork for understanding experience. It is not an attempt to turn fundamental theology into a subjective science, but it is a recognition that the reality of God always intersects with self-conscious human beings. While it does not touch all of the themes of fundamental theology, the book does provide in-depth treatment of revelation, tradition, and inspiration.
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Rethinking Fundamental Theology / e-Book Download FREE ~ Contents Books About: This book is an updated investigation of the central themes of fundamental theology: revelation, hermeneutics, faith and its formulations, and the role of authoritative teaching in the Church. In a clear and balanced manner, Gerald O'Collins sums up the best of Roman Catholic teaching since Vatican II. Students and others who are reflecting on the nature of their Christian belief will find this book invaluable. The unique quality of this work, however, is its foundation .
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