Buch online Karate as a Way of Life: Ari Anastasiadis, Shotokan and the Future of the Art (English Edition)
Beschreibung Karate as a Way of Life: Ari Anastasiadis, Shotokan and the Future of the Art (English Edition)
Please review and rate this book! Your reaction means the world to me. It is also important for future sales of this book. Karate as a Way of Life offers a clear, concise and eminently readable discussion of the technical, historical and philosophic aspects of Shotokan in particular and of karate in general, with reference to Ari Anastasiadis, father of Shotokan in Canada. The author discusses the karate of Asai, Egami, Kanasawa, Kobota, Nakayama, Oshima, Oyama, Plée, Tokitsu,, Yokota and others in and around Shotokan.,This book discusses the 'natural' natural stance, Nakayama's hard soft personal style, Mabuni's 5 principals, classic ipon kumite, The 20 Chinese precepts, the relation between tai chi and karate, the parallel with calligraphy, karate as meditation and much more.This book analyses the problems caused by the sportification, commercialization and militarization of karate. As such, it ranks beside the writing of free thinking purists like Yokota and Plée. This book is a tour de force presentation of karate as embodied philosophy, inner command and social harmony, meaning as an art relevant to the human condition today.This eclectic, controversial and well researched book will leave few readers indifferent. In its terse use of language, it evokes the spirit of Ari Anastasiadis and his karate mission.5 stars Reviewed in the United States on September 24, 2017 Verified Purchase An old time JKA student here, student of one of the great Japanese instructors, and I have to say that this is the kind of book I search for in my continued karate path of understanding. Not another dumb encyclopedia trying to copy, but a refreshing new philosophical and very well cited and researched book. The ideas are new in that I've never read such a viewpoint of JKA karate, yet it speaks truth in ways that only a practitioner of true karate might find similarities and truths. We might not agree with everything, but the newly proposed ideas of old practices, or collating of ideas from decades of print and magazines, and summarizing in a theory of how the Japanese refined and sold karate is unique. Any JKA student must have a love and hate relationship, ups and downs, and how nice to see another point of view. A must for any black belt who is interested in theory, history, and philosophy. Thanks Tom Levitt from NJ
Karate as a Way of Life: Ari Anastasiadis, Shotokan and the Future of the Art (English Edition) Ebooks, PDF, ePub
Karate as a Way of Life: Ari Anastasiadis, Shotokan and ~ Karate as a Way of Life: Ari Anastasiadis, Shotokan and the Future of the Art (English Edition) eBook: Levitt, Tom: : Kindle-Shop
Karate as a Way of Life: Ari Anastasiadis, Shotokan and ~ Please review and rate this book! Your reaction means the world to me. It is also important for future sales of this book. Karate as a Way of Life offers a clear, concise and eminently readable discussion of the technical, historical and philosophic aspects of Shotokan in particular and of karate in general, with reference to Ari Anastasiadis, father of Shotokan in Canada.
Karate as a Way of Life: Ari Anastasiadis, Shotokan and ~ Karate as a Way of Life: Ari Anastasiadis, Shotokan and the future of the art: Levitt, Tom: 9781712242216: Books - .ca
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